So you have been tasked with creating a design for a Master Plan?
Master plans commonly include information about the history of the area to be designed, the context surrounding its development, and changes that have taken place to the present time. The conditions of existing grounds and landscapes are also described and evaluated. But what about the design within the master plan?
The combination of a solid analysis of existing land conditions and the demographics of potential users generally leads to good design.
Master plans are generally developed after a comprehensive series of steps that start with an initial property walk-through to a thorough landscape investigation. Throughout those methodical steps, any developer should survey the people who live around the area and gather data to determine who they are, where they go, what they do, what they like and don’t like, and what they would like to see changed in their area.
Using the synergy of this intensely creative process and adding to it development experience, one can develop a final master plan for any property. A complete master plan is the culmination of an exciting collaborative effort. It will consist of detailed and notated drawings that map out all new design elements on the property and integrates them with existing features.
Good Design Should Consider
Context: Optimize relationships between buildings, places, spaces, activities and networks.
Character: Buildings and spaces should be unique, appropriate to their location and compliment their historic identity.
Choice: Flexible and adaptable design to foster diversity and offer choice.
Connections: Easy to navigate and well connected for getting around as well as services, infrastructure and communication networks.
Creativity: Creative and innovative solutions are explored and integrated public art is valued.
Custodianship: Environmentally sustainable and responsive design solutions.
Collaboration: A common vision is used to bring together a collaborative team and meaningful decision-making processes are shared.
Polar Design Build master plans reflect our basic fundamental design philosophy and mission as landscape architects.
We ensure that clients are at the center of each decision with the Design Build Method. This fosters collaboration and enables our clients to be active participants throughout the design and pre-construction phases of each project. The interaction between our design builder and clients ensure that there is a shared vision; therefore, goals and expectations are aligned from the start. This process also allows the client to understand the scope of work and associated costs, and for us to deliver the finished product on-time and within budget. Our expert team works to build solid, long-term relationships with our clients and stakeholders to deliver consistent client satisfaction. “That’s the Polar Design Build Way”.